1. Alicia

    Hi! I am new to the area and looking for community to connect and celebrate with. Is this event geared more towards adults, or would it be a good event to bring kids to? I have a 2 and 4 year old who would love the dancing and crafts, but I don’t want to spoil a sacred moment of community if this isn’t the right space for them at this time.

    • Angus McMahan

      Hey Alicia!
      Thanks for reaching out. This particular Beltane is indeed more family oriented. Well, really, it’s EVERYONE oriented. But some sabbat rituals are geared more towards adults, usually because they are either too scary or too racy for youngsters. This one though is a major craft scene (spread over like FIVE picnic tables for 2 hours), and then an energetic forest party, with the options of joining in with the drummers, the singers, the dancers, or all three! If your youngsters are fine with a whole lot of stimulation, then by all means, come on down to Santa Cruz!
      Angus McMahan
      Vice President, Community Seed

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