*Note SUNDAY!* August 4th, 2024, Noon

Lughnasadh is a time for celebrating the community and successful harvest. This time, the feast is the celebration! Join us for a potluck picnic feast and ritual! The grill will be running, so you might bring something to throw on a grill! Or bring your favorite main dish, salad, side, whatever! Beverages will be provided by the volunteer crew. All Community Seed events are clean and sober.
*** NOTE! We are celebrating on SUNDAY August 4th! ***
So bring your potluck item that can serve 6! Make sure to label your container so we can get it back to you at the end of the day, and bring a list of ingredients so folks can get fair warning about what they’re about to consume.
We’re meeting at the George Washington Grove in DeLaveaga Park.
See you there!
Donation: $12-30. No one will ever be turned away for lack of funds. PayPal to treasurer@communityseed.org or https://paypal.me/ToCommunitySeed.
Questions? Concerns? Please contact us at info@communitseed.org or leave us a voicemail at (831) 469-0336.