Saturday February 1st, 2025, 3pm

At Imbolc, the Triple-Goddess lights the path from Winter to Spring with sacred flame. Come join us to receive healing, creativity, strength… through Her Divine blessings.
We will be having a potluck buffet after the ritual. Let’s make it a great one! Please bring something tasty to share, enough to serve at least 6 people. Make sure to label your container and serving utensils so we can get it back to you at the end of the day, and bring a list of ingredients so folks can get fair warning about what they’re about to consume.
Please bring a potluck dish as follows:
Air Signs – Veggies or salad
Fire Signs – Side dish or appetizer
Water Signs – Dessert or baked goods
Earth Signs – Entrees
Beverages will be provided by the volunteer crew. All Community Seed events are clean and sober.
We’re meeting at the Santa Cruz Masonic Lodge, 828 N. Branciforte Ave. Gather at 3pm, ritual at 4pm.
See you there!
Donation: $20-40. No one will ever be turned away for lack of funds. PayPal to or
Questions? Concerns? Please contact us at or leave us a voicemail at (831) 469-0336.